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[Kickstarter] Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure

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Moderatori: Simo the best, Adrian

[Kickstarter] Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure

Messaggioda COWCAT il martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:58

Hello! :)

I'm 31, and a French adventure game fan!
I've played hundreds of them, my favorites being the likes of Broken Sword, Runaway, Discworld... and visual novels like Ace Attorney, Hotel Dusk, 999 / Zero Escape, etc...

Since a year, I am developing an adventure game named "Demetrios", which you may have heard about (it was mentioned on various adventure gaming sites, not this one unfortunately)

And I'd really love to get some feedback by Italian fans :) Unfortunately I don't speak one word of Italian, so I hope you don't mind me speaking English?

Here's a short game description :


The game is called "Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure". It's meant to be a classic Point & Click in first person, inspired by Broken Sword, but with a specific cynical humor and very interactive / contextual (characters will often react to the stupid things you do!)

I'm doing everything myself : programming, graphics, musics, dialogs... and marketing :p

A few screenshots :


A demo version is available in English and French, the whole Chapter 1 for almost 2 hours of gameplay!

For now an italian translation isn't planned, but this will depend on the Kickstarter that I will post next month (October 6th, precisely) If it's a big success, I may consider it!
Also, if anyone here would be interested to translate into Italian for a cheap price, let me know!

(Bjorn, please shut up, you keep saying bullshit...)

What do you think? :)
Ultima modifica di COWCAT il venerdì 9 ottobre 2015, 11:12, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda asterix777 il martedì 8 settembre 2015, 22:23

Hi COWCAT and welcome to the AP forum. 8)
My best wishes for your new project and for the next Kickstarter. It looks interesting, especially if inspired by BS. ;)
Post here your updates and give us the news, starting from the Kickstarter page when published.
Let's keep in touch! ;)
"Trattasi di oggetto COMPLETAMENTE inutile!" (Sam)
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il mercoledì 9 settembre 2015, 9:24

Yes, of course! I'll keep you updated :)

The Kickstarter will be launched on October 6th, and the game will be posted on Steam Greenlight the same day ;)
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda Tsam il mercoledì 9 settembre 2015, 13:31

Hi! Thank you for you post! We'll follow you and your game! Please keep us updated!
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Iscritto il: martedì 22 novembre 2005, 13:06

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il mercoledì 9 settembre 2015, 14:55

Tsam ha scritto:Hi! Thank you for you post! We'll follow you and your game! Please keep us updated!

Thank you, and I will!

If you're interested, I've been working on an HTML5 version of the demo, that you can play directly online : http://www.demetriosgame.com/publicdown ... dexen.html

It's a test version but it should work fine now (on modern browsers). Would you tell me if you encounter bugs?
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda Tsam il giovedì 10 settembre 2015, 13:37

Avventura "one man show", Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure è uno di quei titoli che abbiamo il piacere di segnalarvi, anche solo per la simpatia e la gentilezza dell'autore che ci ha presentato il suo lavoro all'interno del nostro forum.

Il gioco vi metterà nei panni di Bjorn Thönen, un antiquario derubato una notte dopo essere tornato a casa ubriaco. Svolgendo le proprie indagini con l'aiuto di Sandra, la sua vicina di casa, finirà coinvolto in un affare misterioso e oscuro; questi due improbabili eroi sapranno superarsi fino a scoprire antichi segreti?

Le peculiarità del gioco vedono da una parte richiami ad alcuni pilastri del genere, come Broken Sword e Discworld, dall'altra una visuale in soggettiva che richiama serie investigative alla Phoenix Wright, all'interno di una cornice in full hd.

Se siete incuriositi, in attesa di un kickstarter che dovrebbe arrivare fra circa un mese, potete vedere sia un gameplay, sia provare direttamente la demo gentilmente messa a disposizione. Buone indagini!
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Iscritto il: martedì 22 novembre 2005, 13:06

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il giovedì 10 settembre 2015, 18:24

Thank you very much for the news :) Much appreciated!

If some of you have tried the demo, let me know your opinion :)
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il sabato 12 settembre 2015, 17:41

I can officially announce that Demetrios will be launched on both Kickstarter AND Steam Greenlight on October 6th :) (next month!)


If you'd like to support it already, I have created a ThunderClap for that!
https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/313 ... ickstarter

If you don't know what ThunderClap is, it allows to gather support from people in order to post an automatic message at a specific date on their Facebook/Twitter (for example when my Kickstarter will be live!)
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda Tsam il lunedì 14 settembre 2015, 15:54

Come era nell'aria, è stato annunciato il lancio della raccolta fondi tramite kickstarter per Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure, raccolta che ufficialmente avrà il via il prossimo 6 ottobre. Contestualmente verrà avviata anche la campagna pro greenlight per permettere l'approdo su steam. Pronti a mettere mano al portafoglio?
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Iscritto il: martedì 22 novembre 2005, 13:06

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda 1Yol il lunedì 14 settembre 2015, 16:56

sto facendo la demo ci sono molti hot spot e molti dialoghi è un gioco chiaramente umoristico, la grafica e i colori sono gradevoli, in particolare mi piacciono i biscotti :wink: ma li ho finiti.... come vado avanti nella scenda della fabbrica ? devo distrarre la guardia.
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Iscritto il: lunedì 26 agosto 2013, 22:50
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il martedì 15 settembre 2015, 17:06

1Yok => I could either give you the solution to distract the guard, or you can grab more cookies :p
Many people get stuck here because this is a puzzle that doesn't rely on inventory combination :)
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda 1Yol il martedì 15 settembre 2015, 19:42

COWCAT ha scritto:1Yok => I could either give you the solution to distract the guard, or you can grab more cookies :p
Many people get stuck here because this is a puzzle that doesn't rely on inventory combination :)

ok solved, I thought I should make a phone call from home, not directly by the company.

terrible taste garbage and all other noises :shock:

I will follow developments :)
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Iscritto il: lunedì 26 agosto 2013, 22:50
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il martedì 29 settembre 2015, 17:48

Time flies by so quickly! :)

The Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight launches that I've planned for months will finally happen in a few days!
Both pages will be online simultaneously on October 6th. (which is next tuesday!)

For that occasion, I've been preparing an updated demo of the game (v1.3). This takes account of all the feedback I've had so far!

- HTML5 version of the demo available!

You can now run the demo directly in your browser! See here on the site : http://www.demetriosgame.com/en/demo/

- New Bjorn and Sandra expressions!

Despite my game being a Point & Click, the Ace Attorney series had quite a big influence on it!
And this is why pretty much every character in the game will have several animated expressions!

For example, here are the current Bjorn expressions :


- Cookies are bigger and easier to find!

Most people found that cookies were a very interesting concept. They're hidden on screens and you need to find them to get in-game hints. So it's kinda like an optional game in the game!

However, they were a bit TOO well hidden. So I have resized each of them about 1.5 to 2 times.


Also, there's a new cookie counter, which gives you how many cookies are left to find in each room! This should make the search more attractive :)

- English and French texts have been proofread

English isn't my native language, and Draclvr from the GameBoomers forum has been kind enough to proofread the game text. There should be way less mistakes now :)

Another adventure game fan also did the French text proofreading - even though I'm French, I still make some spelling mistakes :p

- Corrected windows interfaces to make them prettier

Some of them had been very quickly done for the first prototype, and I never changed them. Now it looks better and more professional!


- Corrected fonts for french and spanish characters

Accented language-specific characters would not display. I had to modify the TTF font manually to make them appear!
Finding good-looking copyleft fonts is very difficult, and fonts with support for every language is next to impossible!
I didn't want to revert back to basic fonts like Arial or Verdana, so this was pretty much the only solution.

- Improved game performance

I've added a cache for dialogs and translations texts when changing room, so they're not loaded at every room switch. This makes for a much smoother experience! Now changing room is near-instant on modern computers!

- Improved hotspots view (prettier and texts don't overlap anymore) :


- Automatic framerate detection

The game will run at 60FPS or 30FPS according to your computer abilities! This is detected during the game startup.
Frameskip is managed manually in the game engine (all the variables related to speeds like timers are doubled at each step)

If you'd like to try the new demo, it's available on my site : http://www.demetriosgame.com/en/demo/
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda asterix777 il martedì 29 settembre 2015, 18:20

Thank you for your hefty update and best wishes for the game campaigns. 8)
"Trattasi di oggetto COMPLETAMENTE inutile!" (Sam)
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il martedì 6 ottobre 2015, 18:38

Here you go!

Demetrios just went LIVE on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight!

And here's the first game trailer!


==> Support on Kickstarter : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/983902887/demetrios

==> Vote on Steam Greenlight : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=502785332

With your help, I can make Demetrios bigger and better! :)

If you're interested in the game but hesitate to help or you're broke (that happens!), please consider at least voting for the game on Steam Greenlight and/or giving 1€ to the Kickstarter!
You'll get your name in the credits, wallpapers, and you'll follow the project with updates :)
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda asterix777 il martedì 6 ottobre 2015, 23:09

Voted on Steam Greenlight! Best wishes! 8)
"Trattasi di oggetto COMPLETAMENTE inutile!" (Sam)
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Iscritto il: martedì 7 marzo 2006, 16:54
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda 1Yol il martedì 6 ottobre 2015, 23:43

Voted :wink:
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Iscritto il: lunedì 26 agosto 2013, 22:50
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Re: Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure *DEMO*

Messaggioda COWCAT il mercoledì 7 ottobre 2015, 23:39

Thank you, both of you! :)

The Kickstarter in on the right track! Already 44% funded in one day :p

Keep it coming!
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: [Kickstarter] Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure

Messaggioda COWCAT il venerdì 9 ottobre 2015, 11:13

It's now 56% funded, in 3 days! That's great! :)

I've posted some updates here : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/98 ... ts/1376845
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Iscritto il: martedì 8 settembre 2015, 13:48

Re: [Kickstarter] Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure

Messaggioda Tsam il venerdì 9 ottobre 2015, 12:05

Come ampiamente annunciato, è partito il kickstarter di Demetrios - The BIG cynical adventure, titolo sviluppato in solitaria da Breton Fabrice, avventura fatta da un appassionato per gli appassionati.

A fronte di un obiettivo principale sicuramente abbordabile, l'autore promette di impegnarsi al meglio delle sue forze per portare il suo gioco a più persone possibili, tanto che gli stretch goals puntano solamente ad ampliare la platea delle lingue e delle piattaforme disponibili. L'italiano per ora manca, ma siamo fiduciosi al riguardo.

Godetevi quindi il trailer di debutto e decidete se siete abbastanza cinici da non lasciare il vostro obolo per un'avventura che aspetta solo di stupirvi...
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Iscritto il: martedì 22 novembre 2005, 13:06


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